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AV9000 Compliance
Application Submission



You will need to submit the following:

  1. Payment

  2. Submission contact form

  3. Application 

  4. Documentation


Please submit the below form so that we know you are submitting your application.

You will need to upload your documents and application, see the link below.


Please upload the required material along with the below contact information and payment for audit review.  You will be contacted in about 2 weeks, to set up an audit meeting. 

Contact information.

AV9000 Compliance Submission

Thanks for submitting!

Upload and submit your documents

Include the Company Name in the title of each and every document to ensure you get credit for each submission., i.e., AVCorp_App_AVCompliance

Upload Your Projects

MUST upload and submit (6) projects.

Be sure to include in each project a file containing:

  • QT043 Spreadsheet and Reports

  • Customer Acknowledgement Letter

  • Test Equipment List

  • Test Equipment Photo

  • Include the Company Name in the title of each and every document to ensure you get credit for each submission., i.e.,

    • AVCorp_CusAckLtr_AVComp_Proj1

    • AVCorp_TestEqupLst_AVComp_Proj2

    • AVCorp_TestEqupPhoto_AVComp_Proj3, etc.

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